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E-Health ::..

Patient Education

Treatments ::..

​​Laser Fotocoagulation

Therapeutic Modality for  retinal diseases such as diabetic retinopathy, vein occlusions, or retinal tears.


Intravitreal Drug Injections

Some diseases such as age related macular degeneration or el diabetic macular edema require the use of drugs that must be delivered inside the eye by means of small needle


Photodynamic Therapy with Verteporfin

A photosensible drug is infused through a vein. After a couple of minutes light is directed to the targeted lesion to create an irritation and closure of neovascular complexes causing macular inflamation


Minimally Invasive Vitrectomy

When observation or medical treatment are not sufficient, surgical approach is usually needed to correct those retinal defects mechanically.

Dr. Roberto González Soto // Cirujano Oftalmólogo / Especialista en Retina Médica y Quirúrgica

Cédula Profesional Médico Cirujano y Partero  5169091

Cédula Especialidad en Oftalmología 6602178

Cédula Especialidad en Retina Médica y Quirúrgica 8129199

Consejo Mexicano de Oftalmología 3021


Agenda tu cita

(33) 3848-5468


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