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The world through your eyes

The world through your eyes

Experience in visual healthcare



In prevention and treatment

New treatments available

New treatments available

for your convenience

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Satisfaction and comfort

Our Priority

News //
Dr. Roberto González Soto Retinologo

Innovation in Ophthalmology Conference.

August, 4, 2015 - Guadalajara, Jal.

Roberto González, MD showed the results from the microelectromechanic microbomb implant study. This microbomb is intended to deliver small amounts of drug in the vitreous cavity. This was presented in the "Innovation in ophthalmology" conference in September.

New drug for Wet Age Related Macular Degeneration treatment.

23 de Agosto, 2015 - México, D.F.

COFEPRIS (Mexican FDA) announced in 2014 a new drug under the name of Zaltrap® which can be used for treatment of wet AMD in Mexico

Video ::..

Intraocular Foreign Body

Diabetic Retinopathy Preventive Control

Experience in diagnosis, prevention and treatment of diabetic retinopathy and diabetic macular edema.

Innovative Treatment for Exudative Age Related Macular Degeneration

We offer therapies which can lower the amount of intreavitreal injections needed to control this illness. It reduces risks associated with multiple needle injections like infection, cataract or retinal detachment.

Minimally Invasive Retinal Surgery::..

- Vitreous Hemorrhage


- Macular Hole


- Epirretinal Membrane

- Floaters


- Diabetic Retinopathy


- Cataract Surgery

Relieve 3d macula
What you need to know before choosing your Eye Specialist::..

- Is your specialist board certified?

- Does your eye specialist have Medical License?

- Does he offer alternative treatments?

Dr. Roberto González Soto // Cirujano Oftalmólogo / Especialista en Retina Médica y Quirúrgica

Cédula Profesional Médico Cirujano y Partero  5169091

Cédula Especialidad en Oftalmología 6602178

Cédula Especialidad en Retina Médica y Quirúrgica 8129199

Consejo Mexicano de Oftalmología 3021


Agenda tu cita

(33) 3848-5468


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